• YES! We are a 501(c)(3) licensed nonprofit: EIN 83-2727724. We are also duly registered with the State of Oregon Charitable Activities section of the Oregon Department of Justice.

  • AdoptOneBlock was designed to remove many of the barriers that prevent people from volunteering their time. We believe in making it as easy as possible for you to build your volunteer work into your own schedule, rather than the other way around.

    Our unique solution: No meetups, no commuting or scheduling to volunteer, no organizations to join, and no fundraising or constant donation requests! We provide FREE cleaning supplies right to your front door as well as other resources accessible through your Block Ambassador (volunteer) dashboard once you’ve adopted your block.

    As a Block Ambassador, you choose the block you love the most and you get to decide when you clean it up - all we ask is for your block to be cared for on a regular basis. We provide tools, technology and connection to like-minded communities and support!

  • Your donation is put to work toward trash cleaning supplies, supply delivery, website development, web hosting, and other external service providers to keep us legally and financially sound. For more information, check out our financials page on our website or email us at contact@adoptoneblock.com.

  • They are some of the kindest, most caring, and AMAZING people in the world!

  • To be a part of a collective force for GOOD in your community.

    To receive thanks and appreciation from friends, neighbors, businesses, etc.

    To gain an awareness of your immediate surroundings where you live or work.

    To foster a sense of pride for your home, block, and neighborhood.

    To realize just how FUN picking up trash can really be :)