• You can re-up on any of our supplies in two ways:

    1. Log into your Block Ambassador dashboard via adoptoneblock.org. Select the button for ordering supplies the same way you did when you first signed up. Remember to include any special delivery instructions we may need to ensure that you get your supplies.

    2. Send a direct email to [supplies@adoptoneblock.org] and let our Supply Team know what you need and they can assist in placing an order for you.

  • The best way to get your friends or neighbors in other households involved is to encourage them to sign up for a block and order supplies for themselves. If this is not possible, please send us an email and let us know. Please include in your email the number of extra supplies you need and we will do our best to help!

  • We absolutely can send you pint-size grabbers for your pint-size Ambassadors :) Just let us know by email at supplies@adoptoneblock.org or in order instructions that you need the smaller size, and we'll take care of it.

  • The average time is about ten (10) days, although some orders can arrive in as few as 2 days or up to 2 weeks. We utilize a few different suppliers and their ship dates can vary. We appreciate your patience with this, but please let us know sooner rather than later if you’ve been waiting for a delivery and/or think something is amiss with your order. We will check on it right away and provide tracking information when available.

  • As a small nonprofit we are focused on being extremely cost-efficient with donor funds. At this time, Amazon Business is the best, most cost-efficient option available to us that enables supply delivery to the front door of each of our thousands of Block Ambassadors.

  • When you sign up for a block, you are prompted to select whether your block is standard or challenging. If you select standard, you will not see an option to choose a sharps container as part of your supply order. This is because challenging blocks are defined by the presence of hazardous items such as syringes or needles, or human waste. We reserve sharps containers for Ambassadors working on these blocks.

    If you did initially select standard but you have found that sharps are appearing on your block, please send us an email at supplies@adoptoneblock.org and we can send you a sharps container right away!

  • At this time, we limit each household to two (2) buckets.

  • As a small nonprofit, we want to ensure that we have enough to go around for all of the wonderful Ambassadors eager to help beautify our communities. We ask Ambassadors to choose between either 13-gallon bags or a 5-gallon bucket to complete their cleanup kits.

  • We are a small team serving an ever-growing number of Block Ambassadors, so we are limiting items you will find in your dashboard available for order. We try to make sure that the items we do have available are the ones that make cleaning up easy and safe.

    Of course, you are welcome to use any supplies that you already have or want to purchase for your own use; many Ambassadors have put together very creative cleaning kits that work for their unique needs when on their block.

  • You can email the supply team at supplies@adoptoneblock.org to let us know any suggestions or ideas you may have! We appreciate hearing your thoughts and feedback.

  • You do not have to order or use our free cleaning supplies to participate in this program! You are welcome to adopt your block and use your own supplies if you’d like.